Address Zhukovs`kogo Str. 66, 330600 Saporoshje, Ukraine
Google Maps: Univ. Main Building 1
Prof. Sergy Tymchenko D.Sc.Former rector: Prof. Dr. habil. sc. ing.
Vjatscheslav Alexandrovitsch Tolok |
tel: 00380-612-133129 tel: 00380-612-644546 office: |
First vice-rector Oleksandr Bondar Cand. Sc. (Law) |
tel: 00380-612-220-9748 |
Vice-rector for science Sergy Bostan, D. Sc. (History), associate professor |
tel: 00380-612-224-4239 |
Vice-rector for research and academic affairs Volodymyr Volkov, D. Sc. |
tel: 00380-612-641931
Vice-rector for research and education and teaching Fedir Turchenko, D. Sc. |
tel: 00380-612-764-5639 |
Vice-rector für economic organization Sergy Kushnir |
tel: 00380-612-764-4612 |
Rector's assistant Nataliya Voronova |
tel: 00380-612-641225 |