Titles Doctor, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine Education
Employment history
Main fields of scientific interest Applied Mathematics, Numerical Methods in the Problems of Mechanics of Deformed Solids. Instrumental Algorithymisation Software Recent Publications (since 1994) Tolok V. A., Volkova T. D. "Solving of Some Problems of Mathematical Physics with the Method of Separating Variables" Reference book for typical tasks for the course "Equations of Mathematical Physics", Zaporozhye, ZSU, 1994 (published in Russian). Tolok V.A., Perepelitsa V.A. "Application of vector optimization methods for the analysis of interval models". Internationales kolloquium über anwendungen der informatik und der mathematik in architektur und bauwesen. Weimar 1994. Abstract. Hochschule fuer architektur und Bauwesen, Weimar-Universität. Tolok V.A., Kubushkaites A.I. "Mathematical methods software of simulation of dynamic systems and devices with continious and discontinious change models". XXII international school and conference on computer aided design., CAD-95,Ukraine, Crimea, Yalta-Gurzuff, May 4-14,1995. Gomenyuk S.I., Mukhin V.V.,Tolok A.V.,Tolok V.A. "The instrumental system of solution and analysis of mathematical physics problems through the method of finite elements (MFE).XXII international school and conference on computer aided design., CAD-95,Ukraine, Crimea, Yalta-Gurzuff, May 4-14,1995. Barurova A.V., Perepelitsa V.A., Tolok V.A. "Stability in minimax problems of vector optimization".17th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization., July 10-14, 1995, Prague, Czech Republic. Tolok V. A. Tuykavkina N. V. Sizykh N. V. "Some Aspects of the Design of Specialised Media for the Analyses and Processing of Pedagogical Research Data". Scientific-Methodical Collection "New Technologies of Studies" vol 14, Kiev, ISDO, 1995 (published in Russian). Zvezdochkina E. A., Tolok V. A. "Green's Function for three-angular and prismatic regions". Theses of Reports of the ZSU Annual Scientific Conference, Vol 5, part 1, 1995 (published in Russian). Tolok V. A. Gomenuyk S. I. "Formular Language for Defining the Schemes of Solving the Problems of Mathematical Physics by the Finite Elements Method". Theses of Reports of the ZSU Annual Scientific Conference, Vol 5, part 1, 1995 (published in Russian). Gristchak V. Z., Sysoev U, A,, Tolok V. A. "Cylindrical Shells of EllipticSection", Mathematics, Physics. Collection of Scientific Works Dedicated to the 10th. anniversary of the University, ZSU, 1995 (published in Russian).
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